Power Platform Boost Podcast
The Power Platform Boost Podcast is your timely update of what's new and what is happening in the community of Microsoft business applications. Join hosts Ulrikke Akerbæk and Nick Doelman for a lively discussion of all things Power Platform!Like what you hear? Buy us a beer: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Powerplatboost
Power Platform Boost Podcast
Knobs and switches (#38)
PACX resources
- How to (quickly) set Dataverse table icons - DEV Community by Riccardo Gregori
- PACX ⁓ an open source, extendable, add-on for Power Platform CLI
- Home · neronotte/Greg.Xrm.Command Wiki · GitHub
Other News
- Meeting cost calculator 💰 on LinkedIn by Kristine Kolodziejski
- Darkmode with a toggle button for Dataverse by Andrew Butenko
- Thoughts from the Field (w/ John Landgrave and Chris Simmons) by Low Code Approach
- PowerFX formulas every PowerApps Developer needs to know by Tolu Victor Sanwoolu
- Power Fx formula reference on Microsoft Learn
- Enhanced ‘Selected Row’ Trigger Now Available in Power Automate by Inogic
TechCon365 & Power Platform Conference - Seattle | D.C. | August 12-16:
Copenhagen Developers Festival 2024 (cphdevfest.com) | Denmark | August 26-30
Power Platform Community Conference | Vegas | Sept. 18-20th
Power Pages Top Gun: Boost Your Site Development Skills and Become a ProPilot
with Franco Musso, Victor Dantas, Nick Doelman and Ulrikke Akerbæk
Nordic Summit | Oslo, Norway | Sept. 28th
Scottish Summit | Aberdeen | October 18-19th
We will do a live podcast!
Nick and Angeliki Patsiavou has a workshop
Power Conference 2024 | December 5 & 6 | CUBEX Centrum Prague
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[0:00] Both heavily medicated and should not operate heavy machinery. But none of the packages for the pills that we have been taking does it say do not record a podcast. So here we are. Here we are. Yes, we're giving it everything for you guys. You will get your news and updates. Don't you worry. We got you covered.
[0:18] Music.
[0:38] Welcome, everyone, to the Power Platform Boost podcast, your weekly source of news and updates from the world of the Power Platform and the Microsoft community, with your hosts, Nick Doelman and Ulrikke Akerbæk. Hi, Nick. Hey, Ulrikke, how are you doing? I'm good. How are you? you i'm doing good a little a little sore but all right so yeah and i'm a bit my my voice isn't what it should be because i was out last night on the on the party on the concert um and you are a bit sore in your shoulder,
[1:18] Yeah. So I think it, I've re as a re-injured my shoulder. I had a shoulder impingement. This is power lifting stuff.
[1:28] I, things were good. I was kind of given the green light to try lifting again and I thought I did a lightweight and yeah, re-injured it. So that means I've dropped out of worlds and Commonwealth, which I'm a little sad about, but there'll be there next year.
[1:43] And, but I can, I can get my arm up to here today, which is already a big improvement and i'm not walking around howling in pain like yesterday there's a couple times like yeah it was just it wasn't good so oh i'm so sad to hear it so we're both heavily medicated and should not operate heavy machinery but none of the packages for the pills that we have been taking doesn't say do not record a
[2:08] podcast so here we are here we are yes.
[2:11] We're giving it everything for you guys you will get your news and updates don't you worry we got you covered oh the next thing we go through for you okay so and we of course we do chat a little bit before we hit record every time and then nick was off on a rant and then i said stop stop stop stop stop save it i just want to record before you do so now everyone you're going to get that rant in live um and directly from the studio i'm just joking was it but yes it wasn't quite a rant so anyways one of the items that you've you added and i saw it too was the ability to quickly set icons for model driven apps this is by ricardo gregory now um he's created a something called pacx p-a-c-x and i believe he was on the xram tool cast a few months ago and i found the link and we'll give you the link to the pacx what this all is so of course we've Microsoft provides the PAC commands.
[3:14] The Power Platform Application Commands or Command Line tool, so we call it the PAC-CLI.
[3:22] Um, we, of course we use that in power pages to download our power pages to local workstation. There's a whole bunch of commands across the entire dataverse and power platform. All good.
[3:32] He's created, and it's not, at first I thought it was sort of a, an extension to pack. It's not, it's its own thing, but it's called pack X, but it provides other, other, um, commands that sort of the things that we wish we had in pack. So things like create tables, update settings, some things like creating solutions and stuff, which I believe now comes in packs. So I don't have the full breakdown of the what's there, what's not there. But some of the things, for instance, like creating tables. To me, this is great because if we have to go create tables today, there's two ways to do it in Dataverse. Well, there's multiple ways. There's multiple interfaces. But essentially, we go into the Power Apps studio. We go create table. We add all the columns and everything. thing or we go and we ask copilot hey can you create us tables we've we the thing is with copilot is getting better now we have the we can actually do the the multiple tables that has that relationship diagram so that's getting better but it's still not quite i would say production ready yet i'm still can go through what this tool one of the commands that kind of caught my eye with pack x was the ability to run a command line to create tools so if i can get chat gpt to create a, mermaid chart like i've done before and i've demonstrated somewhere before maybe talked about it here i thought oh this could be the next level i can use a proper prompt create my mermaid chart.
[5:00] Do some manipulation there and then my next step would be to create the pack x commands to create Create these tables for me all in one, you know, so it's looking really cool. So anyways, I saw this link and it's actually this morning. I thought, OK, this looks really cool. I'm going to dive into this. Went to install Pack X.
[5:22] Following the instructions, started to run into some roadblocks. First roadblock, you need to install .NET on your computer if it's not already there. Now, if you've installed Visual Studio like Pro or Enterprise, that's all there. You're good. um i just got a new laptop i've not installed visual the full version of visual studio yet my new laptop is also one of the new snapdragon um uh laptop so it uses the arm processor so i had to install the specific dot net libraries for arm processors as well okay got past that hurdle the next hurdle was if you've used pack cli you know to create an authentication you go pack back off and you can create, and that will prop prompt you and you're able to go through and connect to your particular dataverse environment, you need to either know the environment or the URL. And it's, you know, a little technical, but pretty straightforward.
[6:16] Pack X requires you to have the full connection string.
[6:20] So getting the connection string put together, that's not hard, but now you're dealing with things like multi-factor authentication and other stuff. So it was giving me a few roadblocks.
[6:30] I looked in the GitHub, found the issue, saw other people had that problem. There was a bit of back and forth. So I got a little bit further to connect with my account. But then even then trying to run some of the commands, I kind of hit another roadblock. It said auth type not allowed for this couldn't connect to my dataverse so i was like okay so then i went back use pack cli created a service principle and and of course that's actually pretty easy now it's a straight command line you get all the the client secret the app id and all this like that's really amazing like we talked about this before just as opposed to going through those 10 steps one pack command boom you get it all got that was able to get my connection string correct was able to connect and that's about as far as i got before we we dove into starting to record here so this is kind of this is like come come back next on our next uh yeah our next episode i'll probably be a lot further along but these were just sort of some of these tools are great but sometimes um you know we have to jump through a few little hoops and this is again an opportunity for me to actually put some feedback onto the particular GitHub and some of the lessons that I've learned, share this with the community, because if I'm running into this problems, chances are other folks are going
[7:48] to be running into these problems as well. So again, we're all learning sometimes.
[7:51] And I'm really excited to look further into these PackX commands, because already I have a few ideas floating in my head of how it can be an incorporate possibly AI or whatever to to do, you know, do these things that I want to do more efficiently as we're building our solutions in Power Platform, Dataverse, and all that wonderful stuff. So yeah. And so not really a rant, but more of a, here's me trying to learn stuff, still on a few pain medication to get ready for a podcast, because I was ready to come on here and like, this is this cool new thing. I think it's, now I'm saying, I think it's a new cool thing, but come back later when I've gone a little bit further.
[8:33] Yeah, and I think this goes for a lot of tooling as well. You have your tool ready, and then the infrastructure around it is harder to get to. And once you have every tool set up, then everything's good to go. But then getting to that point now is, and I feel that with web development especially, with all the libraries and all the things you have to get to hello world, as we've talked about before, it takes you a while where it used to be so easy. But to kind of circle back to the tool that he actually made, I mean, first of all, it talks about the Xtrem Toolbox Iconator tool, which allow you to put icons for different tables and stuff in your modern driven app. And then also that he made, and he says that takes that thing down from 50 to 15 steps. So that's one thing is going in manually and putting icons in all your things. And then having that command um the prerequisites is that you have a solution with your tables and your icons in them and you follow a certain naming convention and then it's one hack x command that kind of just ties all of that together and that's pretty cool so i mean you know get it up and running this has so much potential really does so check it out we'll be we'll be back with further updates on this. And again, that goes back to when you're building a model-driven app, don't have those puzzle pieces everywhere because I know I've had to put together a model-driven app for, well, I've worked on something for ACDC, the Arctic Cloud Developer Challenge.
[10:03] Spent all this time trying to get a rush, like kind of a gun to my head to get it all done. And then I showed it to our good friend, Sarah Lagerquist. And the very first thing out of her mouth was we didn't update the ICODs. Like, seriously. Beeps.
[10:19] Yes, yes, no. She has standards. Yes. Yeah. We saw something else that was really cool also this week, the meeting cost calculator. That was so much fun. That was one of yours. Yeah. So this is something. Speaking about women with high standards. So this is Christine Kolodetsky. And she, she wrote this and she put this together and I, and I'm not sure if she's put it up in GitHub yet, but hopefully she will soon, but it's a cost calculator for teams meetings. And I have been in doing, working for consulting companies for years and years. And I even said a few years ago, like in some of these team meetings, it's like, if there's a way that we could see the cost of some of these meetings, we would probably prevent some of these meetings and don't get me wrong. We need meetings. We need like the daily standups, uh, in an agile project are important as long as they're short and concise. And, you know, we do need, definitely there's a need for meetings, but sometimes I know there's a lot of people that find like, okay, I didn't get anything done today because I've been in this meeting all day. And some meetings are very, uh, there's almost a meeting for the sake of having a meeting. And I'm very much, if let's, if you're going to have a meeting, let's make sure we have an agenda or a topic or something. Um, I've heard that before. No, no agenda, no attenda.
[11:39] And i've seen this in big companies like oh we're going to have a meeting well what are we going to talk about we're just in a very high level abstract concept it's like well okay do i need to prepare for it or anything like that so and then you have big meetings like the one the architecture meeting that we are having where there's 15 attendees and it's over it's two hours long just to get a number on what that actually costs i mean it's one of the most important meetings that we have every week because i think it's that important that all All of the architects from different parts of this project comes together. But that meeting is very expensive. And it will be so cool to see this, to see how much that's actually worth. Yeah. At times. Yeah, exactly. So what she's done is she built something within Teams. And it's pretty cool. It gives you a cost of what, you know, kind of a rough cost to what this meeting is. In terms of, you know, it doesn't tap into actual salary data. I suppose, you know, that could be done if you, but that opens up a whole can of worms in terms of security. But what she did was took sort of took the job titles and fed that into, I think, Glassdoor or Glass, say Glass Tiger. That's a band, but a site that has sort of like rough industry standard salary information and brought that back factored in an hourly rate. So you can actually see in the upper corner what this meeting is going to cost to me. If I'm as a business owner or a manager, if I see that, then it's like, okay.
[13:04] A, do we need all of these people in this meeting? Do we, you know, or do we need this, make this meeting so long? Or can this meeting simply just be an email or a regular team's thread chat that it's asynchronous that we can react to whatever. So again, don't want to get into the, the, the politics in terms of meetings, but I also understand meetings are expensive and also they do sap a lot of good productivity time. We all need that. If I can get into building something and I know I have a four or five hour stretch that I'm not interrupted by meetings or phone calls, or even if I have a meeting in between that really abstract, abstract, uh, distracts my workflow.
[13:45] So again, if we can make, make teams better or make meetings better. Um and this is a i think a great way it i know it was kind of fun and i know uh there was probably some controversy with it but i do like that concept and christine yes please post it on github because i we will use it for sure yeah it's a lot of fun um yeah very good also so andrew patenko he uh also posted something on linkedin there wasn't really a blog was just a linkedin post about how we now created a way for you to with using a parameter in the url could make your data versus your um over in the app dark mode and that's really cool and now he's also creating a button so that you have a toggle a button up next to your avatar icon um in your environment where you can toggle dark mode off and on so that's also something that i spotted this uh today yeah they talked about i saw i was on the comment comments and they were some there's some chatter or about adding it to the level up tool.
[14:49] That Natrage has created, you know, level up that has God mode and all those things of creating dark mode. It's funny because I know some people are really gung-ho in dark mode. I'm not, but it's a personal preference. For me, if I see a dark background on white text, like Visual Studio, for some reason, doesn't bother me, but other things it kind of does, I prefer the other way around. But again, it's all personal preference. So it's cool.
[15:16] Definitely. And I think it's more of the developer way when you're in a dark room and you have a dark screen that makes sense. And also they claim that it saves battery time.
[15:26] So I don't know. Yeah, there you go. Cool. Also, this week, I listened to the low-code approach. They had two guests on, John LaGrove and Chris Simmons. And something that I spotted that I wanted to share that I thought was very clever, because they thought this is after build, and they talk a bit about governance and how to talk to customers and what customers are asking for and talking about in terms of governance and security and policy.
[15:56] And I'm not sure if it was John or Chris who said this, but he kind of divided the governance into three parts. It's the can and cannots. It's the may and may nots. And it's the should and should nots. So when the can, cannots that settings and they'll talk about, I can't tell you how many times they say knobs and switches. I think they probably made a bet before they recorded that episode that they could say that a hundred times at least. So I'm just going to, maybe that's a good thing to do. You know, those parties where you have to drink a shot every time someone says something, thing you'd be completely hammered after that episode but um the can and cannot that that is settings in your environment that is hard settings that you can where you can flip switches and twist knobs um that may and may not that are more like policies right there it's um it's one thing is the the the policy so you can actually make in the system uh but there are also other kinds of the policies that you can have for your company and for your workforce. And also the should and should nots is more of a best practice. This is the way we do things here. This is our way of doing it. And I really like that approach to thinking about governance, that you have those three layers. And if that is the way that you go about it, it becomes very clear because you
[17:15] cannot have settings for everything. You cannot put that into the technology.
[17:21] Some of that has to be a human factor in the mix. So it was really nice chat between the five of them because there are three hosts on the Low Output Code approach and really an episode that I recommend for anyone working in the customer space and talking to customers in their daily job. Cool. No, I'll check that out. I haven't heard that, but I think that's our, it could be an episode title, knobs and switches. Kirsten Kahn Nobs and switches, definitely.
[17:48] Cool. So I saw something again on LinkedIn. It was simple Power Fx formulas every Power Apps developer should know.
[17:56] And it was a short little post, but I really liked it because it just gave a bit of a diagram in terms of the formulas you would use to position certain things within Power Canvas apps. Now, this can also be applied to the containers that are responsive and everything, because I found working a lot in custom pages lately, you know, having worked in Canvas apps way back where you just sort of slap stuff on. And of course, it doesn't scale well. It's not responsive. It's not accessible. But then, you know, now using containers that will respond to the different sizes. But you still need to have understand the formulas of how that button will move or where it should be placed. So i found this was a pretty good little resource to to actually have some of these formulas kind of laid out and where things would appear it was it was a quick little post i know there were some comments about that do talking about you know within responsive containers and all that other stuff or flexible containers but i think all of this these concepts still apply and it is something that i don't do a ton of canvas app stuff but that's probably when i When I do do Canvas app stuff, that's where I probably spend a lot of extra time is just getting where those buttons and the positioning and the little layouts and the containers and how it all contains and the screens and forms or anything like that. So I found that to be a pretty good little resource there. So we'll put that link in the show notes as well so you can check that out.
[19:21] Yeah, and we'll accommodate it because I found, I can't remember what angle I had on this, why I was in there, but I found a site that lists all the PowerFX commands that you can use or the formula, the functions and everything. Thing and and also listed if it applies to canvas apps and power pages and kind of which product this applies to and it has a whole registry of all of all of it very good and easy to get an overview everything so we'll put a link to that so let's and then the official documentation because that was really uh handy if i did a lot of work with power effects i would make sure to have that open just to get a quick um yeah quick access to all of it yeah and i think with especially if we if we continue to be working in PowerPages, we saw in the release plan as well, more PowerFacts is coming to PowerPages. So I know there was some, like Nick as HeyDuke had some meme or something about that, about PowerFacts or PowerPages and Liquid and that kind of thing. And to me, PowerFacts is a programming language as much as Liquid is.
[20:32] So anyways, there's a, and I know Victor had some comments about, is Liquid dead? And uh that was another linkedin post so i think tying back to the power effects of where you can use it again power pages is not is still very much preview um not much could be done that that's going to be coming so that kind of reference especially when you look at a power effects command even like the the low code plugins there's certain power effects commands that can't be used in low code plugins and i know i've struggled with that going why doesn't the stupid you know So function work. Oh, no, no, it doesn't work in local plugins, but it will work in a Canvas app. It won't work in Power Pages yet. So that'd be definitely, I'm looking forward to seeing that reference because I think as we get more and more deeper in Power Facts, like it or not, we're going to know, hopefully in the fullness of time, Power Facts will work across the board, but we're not there yet. Definitely not yet. But it's good to have a reference like that to kind of keep on top of everything.
[21:33] Yeah. So that's all good. And also I saw something, and that's something that I'm working on at the moment. You know, the Power Automate Cloud Flow trigger that has when a record is selected. And it's been legacy and deprecated for, I don't know, five years or something. It's really crazy. And I've been waiting for this to be replaced. And we actually talked about it in the episode, a couple of episodes ago when Amy Holden And I think it was Diana Birkelbach that did a few posts about how to trigger modal windows in a custom page because that doesn't work. So, yeah.
[22:16] Now it seems there is actually a new one coming. And it also has, it's not legacy, so they've finally been able to replace it. And it also comes with an input parameter. So now you can actually, yes, you can choose, like you can when you have a manual trigger, you can choose and set different input parameters. So then when you trigger your flow from your model-driven app, you can check to select a row, and then you go up and you choose flow, and you run your flow, and the little model that comes up, You can set your input parameter and then you can choose to run the flow. So that is a major thing. And this is, you know, just bulk updating, for instance, something or just sending out invitations for something or having one Power Automate flow for instance to send out emails for different audiences. You can simply just check them and send it out.
[23:08] So, yeah, very good to see that being replaced. And also we'll put a link in the show notes because I saw this from a blog post from Anujic, which has a company blog post about this. So we'll post this in the show notes. This is exciting because, yeah, that was sort of one of those, the last little holdouts. Like, you know, why would you use the old Dataverse connectors? Like, because of this. And by the fact that you can add parameters in. To me, when I saw that, like, oh, well, this is even better. Like, not only did you bring it up, but you improved it. So finally they actually threw something so you could well it's more of you can kind of finally deprecate the old one right so i think that was part of it as well after how many years yeah exactly and you put something about uh certification renewals in here does that mean that you did yours or did you know it's funny because um i haven't yet because i have to i have till august 18th which is like two weeks from now pretty much to to do
[24:07] the first one i I think PL 200 and then I got to do PL 600 and 400 and 900. I think 100 is being is now those 100. I think being replaced by those interactive ones, but you did your certification renewals like just recently as part of your summer holidays. So I was, I just thought it'd be good to kind of revisit that because I know most people, we talk about certifications and of course I know a lot of people that get.
[24:33] Pretty wound up about getting these certifications and, and what it all means and to do the, the renewal, like, you know, and okay, we have to go and, you know, whether you do it at home or whether you do go to a testing center, I'm a big fan of going to a testing center because I don't have to take all this crazy crap down in my office to, you know, because you need to have that clean area. And thankfully, there's a testing center, literally a 10 minute drive from my house so I can set that up. But the cool thing is what Microsoft introduced probably a year or two ago was when that particular exam used to be the exam like it was like for CRM for CRM 2013, it would eventually expire and you would have to go and write the new version for CRM 2016 or, you know, or as these new certifications came out. And the thing is, these certifications, as we know, things are changing constantly. So we need to actually update these certifications. So do we spend, I think it's like 125 US per exam. And of course, you can get these two for one deals, or if you're an MCT, you get a discount and all those types of things.
[25:43] I, but now what you can do is you just go for free, go into Microsoft Learn, and you're able to take like a short set, a subset of questions covering the new stuff and very quickly get your certification renewed for a whole other year. So you have to do this on a yearly basis. And as long as you don't let it expire, then you don't necessarily have to go back to the testing center, do the full exam. Sam. So, Alika, your experience, can you tell the people how it went, what some of the challenges were, or was it a challenge at all? Yeah, no, it was, actually, I really like it because this is for me, so what I had to do is customer service and marketing. Sorry, I'm supposed to say customer insights. Yes.
[26:29] I'll probably call it marketing until I die, but that's another thing. Um and and so what has happened so what they'll do is they'll give you um a set of learning modules that is the difference between what you did last year so they know that there's new stuff coming and they actually also then add in the features that was added last year so you show that you kept up kept up with the product um and you get those learning materials so what i did is i simply they just went through all of the modules that they presented me with um i spent a couple of hours doing that and then i went in and i took my exam it was uh 26 questions i think it was um just like the regular exam but i don't have to be watched by some guy somewhere on camera and i don't have to take everything down so i could probably google as i was doing the exam actually they didn't have time for it though um 45 minutes on 26 questions it was just a matter of going through really and then at the end you get your result and actually the first one I failed, so then what do you do then you can actually just retake it and then you can retake it a couple of more times within 20 once every 24 hours after that but it also gives you a very specific.
[27:46] Scoreboard kind of view of what you were lacking in knowledge and where you were good in knowledge so then I saw that okay I probably went through those modules a bit too quick um so i just read up on the stuff that i wasn't uh good enough in and then i went back and took it and then i passed so it was a great experience and it's so good to be to feel that you're now up to snuff on the newest things right because these areas move so fast and i don't work i i haven't worked in with marketing or customer service the last year so for me it was very good to kind of feel that yeah now i'm refreshed now i know what i need to know about this um going into customer meetings for instance so yeah very good experience i find yeah no i think like i know there's some debate of the value of certifications but to me the value of those certifications is you know from a you've proven that you could actually you know apply you know that knowledge from or apply that knowledge but you're right going into a customer meeting that you can actually speak intelligently on something or even get an awareness because you know you know how it is in customer meetings, someone says, Oh, can we do X? And then immediately, if you're into that developer mindset, even with a power platform, like low code, you're like, Oh, we could build something to do, but then we're like, well, wait a minute.
[29:06] Something already exists in customer service. They have a full like knowledge base, you know, module or whatever. Maybe that's a better fit than, you know, us building something from scratch, or at least we can compare if we built something from scratch reuse the out of the box module or even just sort of like oh how would i do this oh i know i could do this in power automate or i know there's a setting or i know that there's this feature because that came up on an exam so get your certs folks and keep them updated yes yeah and just for me it's all about me knowing that i know everything i want to go in there and know that no one can throw something at me that i've never heard of before that i know all the different corners and all the little things that is to know about this product.
[29:51] Of course, that's what we always try to do, right? So next time we'll check in with you to see how you did because you have yours to renew. Those are a bit harder to renew though. I think it's a bit more news there. The one I had a hard time last year was the PL400. I think just because there's a lot there and a lot of stuff. Like I said, I haven't written a plugin in like five or six years. And of course, there's new stuff there. And of course, a lot of the Azure functions. So, yeah, that's the one. But that one I don't have to renew until December, I think. So it's the other ones that are the more core, the 200 and the PL600, that the ones are coming up soon. So, yeah, got to get on it before they expire because, yeah. Yeah. All right. And then we have a couple of events here just to wrap things up. I saw these in the Power Platform Community Newsletter. I think it was. I'll see if I can find a link to that.
[30:53] TechCon 365 and Power Platform Conference in DC in August 12th till 16th. So that's next week. That's next week. Next week? Yeah. And Copenhagen Developers Festival in Denmark, August 26th till 30th. That I didn't even know about. So that was a cool little new thing. Yeah. Yeah. Developers Festival. Absolutely love the name. Copenhagen Developers Festival. That's something that I would love to go to.
[31:24] And then Power Platform Conference in Vegas, September 18th to 20th. And we're both going to be there. Yes. And we have a full day workshop on Power Pages, getting your ProPilot.
[31:42] So it's like basically you're going to, whether you're determining what your experience level is, if you're just kind of new or you're a little bit more advanced, you're going to come in. This is going to be like a top gun academy you're going to be going in we're going to be giving you lots of information really exciting really entertaining to take you from you know a new recruit to a pro pilot at the end where you're going to get your wings and you're going to be able to soar using power pages so yeah and this is coming from victor dantas has run done zero to hero on PowerPages, you know, two or three years. I can't remember how long he's been doing that. And Franco Musso has a new PowerPages course up and you've been working in the space for 30 years. I mean, and I've been working with the product since Microsoft bought it. I mean, this is, this is the powerhouse. So if you want to come and get ramped up on the PowerPages stuff, then this is definitely the workshop to come to. Exactly. And then just, and also meet other people sitting beside you that are on the same learning path as you are, just to build that community and make new connections and make new networking and, you know, help you move ahead. So yeah, definitely, you know, definitely excited about that.
[33:00] So we're doing that in Vegas. And we're also kind of doing a version of that also at Nordic Summit as well, a week after.
[33:07] Yeah definitely in um in also september 28th and of course we will do uh recaps from both vegas and nordic summit which will be out together and we will see each other at scottish summit in on october 18th so that's really cool yes we're doing actually there we're doing um a live podcast so we'll be doing an episode but in front of a large audience so if you ever wanted to be a a part of the Power Platform Boost podcast, here's your opportunity to be part of the crowd and to be part of that. So we're not exactly sure how the format will be just yet, but it's going to be really exciting to do that. I mean, yeah.
[33:50] Yeah, me too. And for a podcast, we have so many people reaching out as asking if they can come on as guests and we don't do guests. We're never going to be a podcast that do guests. It's kind of weird that we're inviting so many people to be part of a podcast episode. We'll have to do something fun about it for sure. Sure, exactly. It's all or nothing. Our session is going to be directly after the keynote. So join us for news and updates and also to be a part of this fun show. It's going to be a long show for sure because we have one and a half hours at our disposals. So that can be one of the short ones. Yeah. Oh, yeah. We'll fill that. No problem at all. No problem. I hope we bring all your crazy hard questions and we'll answer them as best we can. Yep. Cool. Just looking forward to that. Yeah. And then I'm also doing a workshop in Prague in December, and not PowerPages this time, working with a person in the community, which I think everybody knows, Angeliki Patsiavou.
[34:53] And basically, we're doing a workshop on model-driven apps. And so she reached out to me to say, hey, do you want to team up on this? And of course, yeah, sure. This would be really cool. I love going to Prague and I think this looks like a pretty big conference, pretty exciting and a lot of other cool stuff happening there with other workshops and this. So check that out as well. Power Conference 24. That's, yeah, I'm surprised I didn't hear it. I haven't heard about it before. But yeah, these new ones keep popping up. It's so much fun to see them. I think they had their first one last year, from my understanding. And even Ryan Cunningham was there as the keynote. So they'll probably have another pretty big keynote there as well. But yeah, a lot of these things are kind of popping up. Like full conference season, plenty of opportunities to go to a conference that's probably not far off from where you live or are either. So you don't necessarily have to travel to the other side of the world to get all ramped up and all the great Power Platform content that's out there. Yeah, so true. Right. I think that's where we wrap up for today's episode. Next episode will be August 21st. And then we're off to conference season. So this is going to be a race. This fall is going to be so much fun, so much traveling. I can't wait.
[36:17] Exactly. Right. Cool. Okay. I'll catch you later. Have fun. All right. Bye. Bye.
[36:25] Thanks for listening. And if you like this episode, please make sure to share it with your friends and colleagues in the community. Make sure to leave a rating and review your favorite streaming service and makes it easier for others to find us. Follow us on the social media platforms and make sure you don't miss an episode. Thanks for listening to the Power Platform Boost podcast with your hosts Ulrikke Akerbæk and Nick Doelman and see you next time for your timely boost of Power Platform news. Music.
[36:54] Music.